But from there you need to connect it to something. This will get you quite literally all the dialogue, event information, character information etc. That will at least let you import all the raw data except for your custom JavaScript libraries. Most of your RPG Maker MV work is stored in json files including the dialogue, so I’d probably use something like SimpleJSON which handles complex json rather nicely. That said, you are probably best off to do a rewrite, but you could do it in parts. And, arguably, it could even be faster than doing a full rewrite. It would likely take someone like me 3 to 4 months to write the complete tool, not sure on other people. You are looking at an expensive project to hire out. But to see anything you will need to write all your own components for it, and likely a conversion utility or three.
It would be quite a bit of work, but most definitely not impossible, to convert your RPG Maker project to Unity. I’ve also been using Unity professionally since version 4.1 with +200 apps/games launched (with at least 40 or so in Unity). custom coded almost all of my own plugins, and worked with it quite a bit).
BUT this is indeed possible.įWIW, I’m pretty good with RPG Maker MV with a dozen or so games created (I.e. Please note: just saying this is possible, I don’t have time myself to do it, and our team at red iron is incredibly busy.